Gluttonous Witch Spares No Efforts

Gluttonous Witch has a big mouth, either for laughing or for eating.

Needless to say, Gluttonous Witch also has a sharp nose. Whenever some witch cooks delicious food, she sniffs it. However far away it is, she goes out of her way to taste it.

One day she was going to Sugar Witch’s house and she said to herself, “There are two pieces of honey-cake…” Later on, she said, “As the scent fades, there’s one piece left!” Her pace quickened. “Uh-oh, half piece…two bites…one bite…”

Sugar Witch had just swallowed the last bite of honey-cake the moment Gluttonous Witch arrived.

“What a shame!” Gluttonous Witch fell down on the threshold of Sugar Witch’s house. “Sniffing makes me tired, but not even a bite I ate at all!”

Luckily, since Gluttonous Witch came Sugar Witch had, smilingly, made another two pieces of honey-cake for her to eat right away, another two pieces for her to eat on the way back, and finally, another two pieces for her to eat the next day.

Gluttonous Witch laughed, grinning from ear to ear.

Later, with the four pieces of honey-cake, Gluttonous Witch was on her way back home. Soon she couldn’t help but eat one piece of honey-cake, then another. After a while, she couldn’t help but eat another piece…

By the time she got to her door, Gluttonous Witch had eaten up all four pieces of honey-cake.

Not satisfied, Gluttonous Witch opened her window and thrust her head out, sniffing around. Who was cooking this time?

Ah! There were steamed stuffed buns in Salt Witch’s house!

All right then. Laughing, broadening her big mouth, Gluttonous Witch was looking forward to eating more.

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